The Sales and Marketing Podcast

Wondering if you can get by without investing into your business' brand? In this podcast we highlight three of the key reasons why branding is critical for your financial success as a business. 

Direct download: Why-Is-Branding-Important-To-Revenue-Growth.m4a
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

For any modern business, having a strong online presence is critical for long-term success. In this episode we're sharing 6 key things you can do to improve online presence successfully.

Direct download: What-You-Need-To-Do-To-Improve-Your-Online-Presence-88.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Wondering if you're working with an SEO company that can be trusted? We're sharing some of our top things to look for in SEO company and clarifying common misconceptions so that you don't get burned.

Direct download: SEO-Is-Snake-Oil-85.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 1:28pm EDT

The fastest growing company in Canada is which has grown 24,182% over the last 5 years to roughly $120 million in revenue as of mid 2019. The key things it does that has allowed it to grow so fast 1. It sells online, 2. It uses magazine quality images in its marketing, 3. It solicits stories from their customers and post the quotes directly in their Facebook posts with an image, 4. They use retargeting ads, 5. They post images daily to Instagram and Facebook showcasing their products, 6. They solicit peer-to-peer sharing asking customers to post a picture of their purchase on Facebook and Instagram.



Ever wonder how Apple is so effective, their copywriting plays a major role into their success. In this podcast we'll outline 16 of the copywriting strategies that Apple uses in their marketing to help your business grow exponentially!

Direct download: Apple_copywriting_podcast.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

We looked at the 3 fastest growing companies of all time, to look and see what they had in common. These three companies (Groupon, Priceline and Amazon) are the companies that took the shortest amount of time to reach 1 billion in revenue. Take a listen to our quick 3 minute podcast to learn what we've discovered are the 3 common qualities of companies which have been the fastest growing every in history.

Direct download: What-the-3-fastest-growing-companies-in-history-have-in-common.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

In this podcast we look at the top 3 things that Tim Horton's does to make them one of the most successful restaurants in Canada. From sharing their love of hockey to emotional connection, this podcast will help you understand how you can invest in marketing as powerful as Tim Horton's.

Direct download: Tim_Hortons_Marketing_Messaging.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

There are a lot of tools out there to help track ROI, but which is the best? In this podcast we're going to discuss the importance of a marketing dashboard, as well as three reasons why you should have one.

Direct download: The_1_Tool_You_Need_to_Be_Using_to_Track_Your_Marketing_ROI.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

What marketing mix will get your company the best results? What marketing mix gets the best return on investment? What marketing mix is most likely to be successful? Have your questions answered in this short 5 minute podcast. 

Direct download: What-Marketing-Mix-Is-The-Best-77.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 9:11am EDT

Having an awareness of what your competition is doing to market their product or service can help you refine your own strategy. In this podcast, we'll show you how to use Facebook's Page Transparency tool to keep an eye on your competitors and get a leg up on your own marketing strategy.

Direct download: How-To-See-What-Competitors-Are-Doing-On-Facebook.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 3:14pm EDT

Some business owners don't review their website's metrics at all, but we've found that it's incredibly important to review these metrics on a weekly basis. In this podcast we'll explain why it's important to review these metrics, and which 3 metrics you should be reviewing weekly.

Direct download: Weekly_metrics.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Wondering how much you should be investing in the marketing for your family run privately owned business? This podcast will answer your question. It outlines what % of revenue the average business with under $25 million invests in marketing. This podcast explains why it is important to look at your marketing as an investment and not a cost. If you are looking at your marketing expenditures as a cost, it is negatively affecting your business in a way you probably don't even realize of see. Listen to the podcast to find out what this negative effect is.

Direct download: How-Much-Should-I-Invest-In-Marketing-74.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 10:30am EDT

Marketing copywriting can be one of the most effective tools to help you generate more leads for your business. But marketing copywriting is about so much more than just quality writing. Learn more in this podcast!

Direct download: marketing_copywriting.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 7:32am EDT

SEO is most definitely worth the wait, but how long will it take and what kind of returns can you expect? What can you expect from other methods of digital marketing. We answer all of these questions and more in this podcast.

Direct download: Is-SEO-Worth-The-Wait-73.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 8:14am EDT

SEO is not a quick fix option, but long term, it's the best option for driving traffic and achieving more sales from your website. There are also a number of factors that can effect the speed at which you see results, and we will cover them and more in this podcast.

Direct download: How-Long-Does_It-Take-To-See-SEO-Results.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 8:01am EDT

There are 3 very specific things you can do to help your business gain valuable market insights, particularly when it comes to your business website. Listen to this podcast to learn more about these 3 things!

Direct download: In_tune_with_what_market_wants1.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 6:57am EDT

Looking to increase the traffic to your website in only a few minutes? Paying attention to your website pages meta tag titles and descriptions can have a huge impact on your traffic. Let us tell you how!

Direct download: meta_tag_testing_edited_1.mp3
Category:Marketing -- posted at: 6:51am EDT